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Friday, 18 March 2011

[ArtistOTD] Unchained Breathing

Artist: Unchained Breathing
Genre: Deathcore/Metalcore
Location: Limburg, The Netherlands
Label Type: Unsigned

Today's artist of the day is Unchained Breathing, an unsigned deathcore band from Limburg, NL. Over the last three years this group of rag tag ragamuffins have grown to become one of Limburg's most well known bands. Managing to build a steady fanbase, they currently tour all over Europe, playing alongside bands such as Blindsight, Sworn Enemy and Forget to Forgive among others. Their first offering, I Force Myself, provides a fantastic insight into this band's potential. While the members of Unchained Breathing are unable to drink in the USA, they've managed to create a surprisingly well developed sound.

Arguably their worst song is The Hudson, despite being a technically fantastic song, with Niels Kuchta and Dimitrie van Dijk combining stupendously to create a heavy and atmospheric vibe, they are let down by some amateurish vocals. Although versatile, Conner van Dijk finds it hard to steer the line between fog horn and terrified pig in oinking for dear life in the near frozen Hudson. Fortunately, his vocal performance improves greatly in Buried Between the Dead and the Fall, a more upbeat song with a faster tempo. Buried Between the Dead and the Fall brings to mind Obscura's masterpiece album, Cosomogenesis, although Unchained Breathing still have a little way to go before they could be put into the same league. Pull Here for the Parachute, is a darker, heavier tune. Although the occasional pig squeal reminds you that your listening to a group of Dutch 19 year old's, Pull Here for the Parachute once delivers a great listen for the educated pallet. Unchained Breathing are definitely a band to look out for in the future, it would be a great shame if they were confined to the back alleys of Limburg for many more years to come. 

Reviewed by Sam Barnett


  1. Thank you so much for writing this about us !
    It's amazing to see that we are getting attention from the UK.

    About the vocals from Conner. We already had some studio time planned for him to go back to the studio and put in some new fresh vocals for The Hudson and Buried Between The Dead Fallen, as we are busy with a music video.

    Our song Pull Here For The Parachute was recorded 2 years ago, so the members were 17 years old, that explains the different sound.

    Thanks again and we appreciate the support !

    Unchained Breathing

  2. New promotion picture are on the way, this our most recent photo :


    our bassist has recently changed

    thanks again !
